Film: In Our Heads – Short
Premieres at the Cinequest Film and Creativity Festival on Thursday March 14th at 9:30 p.m. as part of the College Shorts Program. for other screenings/full program. Directed by Madison Campione (USC Film School c/o ’19)
In Our Heads, is the latest work from Director Madison Campione (Remembrance available on Prime). The film is a wonderfully-intelligent take on the rumbling-noise that bombards our brain when we talk to the opposite-sex. This short-film runs under five minutes and although Madison Campione is in her 20’s, the film carries insight of an aged-observer. The beauty of In Our Heads is that the characters names are not important, what they see and feel is. The premise is simple, young-men and women at a party and the awkward feelings of trying to meet someone. It is not possible for Campione to know these feelings don’t really change by the time you are 40 (like me).
On the technical side (or filmmaking aspects), Madison Campione is able to avoid the issues that plague most student films: whether it is continuity, a pesky boom shadow or that darn mellow-dramatic student actor wanting to be Brando (who?); Campione steps in to say “not in my film.” Hey, was I just a little mellow-dramatic? To complete her job as a director, Madison Campione makes wonderful choices to tell a visual story while manipulating time and keeping us engaged through dialogue (or not), interesting use of music and most importantly V.O. It is with all due respect I say I was pleasantly surprised Madison Campione properly used voice-over. I have to put comparisons aside, but there are barely a handful of films to ever use it properly. I admired Madison Campione built a film off of this “over-used” student technique to advance story. The film is a real-joy and take us back to those fun parties of cheap beer, poorly-mixed drinks and music with no sense of direction. I admire Madison Campione’s observation and ability to treat men and women equally. I say “Open your ears” Madison Campione is a filmmaking voice to listen for!